
Explore industry insights and stay informed on the latest in food safety, sustainability, and quality assurance.

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New Method For Analysing Protein Components

Laboratory Testing | 19 Sep 2019

This is a proud moment for AsureQuality. The global scientific communities recognise AsureQuality's capability and technical expertise....

Alison Watters

New AsureQuality Chair appointed - Robertson and Jones

Corporate News | 16 Aug 2019

The Associate Minister for State Owned Enterprises Shane Jones and Minister of Finance Grant Robertson have announced the appointment of Dr Alison Watters as Ch...

AssureQuality Training Services 2 v3

Helping food producers overcome challenges, one course at a time.

AsureQuality Training | 9 Aug 2019

As New Zealand’s largest and most established provider of food quality assurance, AsureQuality is perfectly placed to deliver expert training for businesses....


Sweets That'll Cheer You Up

Market Assurance | 13 Jun 2019

Chocolate is one of the world’s favourite food groups. In today’s culture, we use chocolate to show love, say thanks, celebrate special occasions. ...

State of the art technology at AsureQualitys Auckland Laboratory2

Up to 10,000 Lab Tests a Day, 365 Days a Year

15 Mar 2019

AsureQuality's Auckland Lab and its team of 450 experts have been featured in the New Zealand Herald....

AQ AssuranceMarks Tegel 3 2

Tegel First to Adopt Animal Welfare Mark

Archive, Market Assurance | 14 Feb 2019

Tegel is the first company to adopt the new AQ Certified Animal Welfare Assurance Mark....

BVAQ SouthEast Asia

AsureQuality Extends Bureau Veritas Partnership to South-East Asia

Corporate News | 22 Jan 2019

AsureQuality and global leader Bureau Veritas are pleased to announce the formation of a new joint venture BVAQ, the strongest testing network in SE Asia....

AgriBase 2

Database That Makes A Difference For NZ Producers

Corporate News | 14 Jan 2019

AsureQuality’s Agribase is one of New Zealand’s most interesting databases. It spatially maps almost every food-producing farm in NZ, providing each with its ow...

Red Fire Ant

Prevention, Control And Eradication: Programmes That Help Keep NZ Pest Free

Biosecurity | 20 Dec 2018

AsureQuality recently worked with Auckland Council to reduce the spread of kauri dieback within the region....

News Micro

Feature Article In The Food New Zealand Magazine

Laboratory Testing | 11 Dec 2018 | Food New Zealand magazine

A recent feature article in the Food New Zealand Magazine on the advanced technology and testing methods provided by AsureQuality...


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