Contact Us
Head Office
Level 2, 2a Pacific Rise
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1060
Phone: +64 9 573-8000
Laboratory Testing Locations
Food and Pharmaceutical
131 Boundary RoadBlockhouse Bay
PO Box 41, Shortland Street
Auckland 1140
Food, Environmental and Contaminants
1C Quadrant Drive, WaiwhetuPO Box 31242
Lower Hutt 5040, Wellington
6H Sir William Pickering DrivePrivate Bag 4718
Christchurch 8140
Seed Laboratory
Tennent DrivePO Box 609
Palmerston North 4440
Plant Health Laboratory
South DrivePO Box 85006
Lincoln University
Lincoln 7608
Pests and Insects
131 Boundary RoadBlockhouse Bay
PO Box 41, Shortland Street
Auckland 1140
BVAQ Contact Information
Auditing, Certification and Inspection Programmes:
If you'd like to know more about a quality assurance process for auditing and inspection programmes, please briefly describe your business and what programmes or certifications you require.
Laboratory Testing Queries:
If you are asking for a laboratory testing quote please include the following information: detailed sample description; sample type (e.g. animal origin, dairy product, plant origin, processed meat, environmental swabs, alcoholic beverage, cosmetic, raw material, petrochemical, etc.); the sample texture (e.g. solid, semi solid, liquid, powder); storage condition (e.g. frozen <0°, chilled 3°±2°, ambient >7°). Please also remember to indicate the quantity of samples and the frequency of testing.
To contact our Academy team please email
Complaints or Appeals:
If you wish to make a formal complaint or appeal, or just read about the process, please click or tap here. We will get back to you as soon as we can.