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Laboratory Testing

AsureQuality provides a wide range of testing services to the food and primary production sectors. Our innovative methodologies and delivery systems place our testing laboratories amongst the best in the world.

Our laboratory facilities are accredited to the international standard  NZS ISO/IEC 17025.(external link)

Across our food testing labs in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch we offer the most expansive testing portfolio in New Zealand.  With a team of around 600 scientists and technicians our team test an extensive range of food matrices and sample types to assure safety and quality and enable product release to market.

Our testing laboratories provide expert food, dairy, pharmaceutical, horticulture environmental, and plant health & seed testing services, delivering accurate and reliable results to ensure product safety, quality, and compliance with regulatory standards.

Our laboratories use advanced technology and accredited methods to support businesses across New Zealand and global supply chains. We test for food safety, government, international and customer regulatory requirements.

Submission process and access forms here

LabConnect - Register samples and view test results online 

Laboratory Operating Hours

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Our Laboratory Testing Services

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Assure the safety of food and pharmaceutical products and manufacuring environments through pathogen and microbiology testing. 



General, compositional and nutritional chemistry for the food industry.

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We test both food and environmental samples for a wide range of chemical contaminants.

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Testing for agricultural, process and veterinary medicines residues. 

Rapid Micro Testing

Rapid Microbiology Testing

Fast and accurate results. Understand how rapid testing methods work.

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Specialist identification of physical and biological contaminants.


Wine Testing Laboratory

Our dedicated wine laboratory provides testing to ensure compliance with New Zealand and international export requirements, including EU Market Access (EU OMAR) standards.

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Pest Laboratory

With expertise in entomology and nematology, we identify insects, mites, spiders, and nematodes.

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Plant Health Laboratory

We provide an extensive range of plant disease diagnostic and testing services.