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New Zealand Grass-Fed Certification

With the increasing global demand for high-quality grass-fed products, consumers are seeking independent assurance regarding the authenticity of these products.

The New Zealand Grass-Fed Programme offers a standardised framework to define and certify New Zealand grass-fed products. This enables brands to confidently assert a range of Certified Grass-Fed claims on their products, enhancing their brand positioning, while competing with other international standards.

Certification for Dairy Producers

There are two parts to the New Zealand Grass-Fed Certification for dairy producers:

  • Milk Pool Certification: suitable for manufacturers and bulk ingredient suppliers
  • Product Certification: suitable for finished product manufacturers or brands

AsureQuality endorses the use of appropriate claims, such as 'Certified Grass Fed Milk Pool’, ‘Certified Grass-Fed’ and ‘Made with Certified Grass-Fed Milk’.

We can assist you with endorsement for additional claims tailored to your brand strategy.

Certificate and On-pack Mark

Digital and physical certificates will be issued to certified producers.

Products can also be licensed to display the New Zealand Grass-Fed Mark on-pack. This helps shoppers quickly identify attributes that are important to them and provides a premium product experience.

Brand Endorsement Co-marketing Solutions

In addition to certification, our experts actively provide comprehensive marketing support solutions, including brand endorsement videos, live streaming, joint media releases, and storytelling through Market Assurance’s social media channels.