AQ Directors

Board of Directors

AsureQuality is owned by the New Zealand Government and our Board of Directors have been selected from a diverse range of backgrounds and abilities to ensure AsureQuality is governed effectively and continues to build on its success in the fields of food assurance and biosecurity

Peter Landon Lane

Peter Landon-Lane


I was appointed to the Board in July 2023. My previous governance experience includes board roles in the agri-food, science and trade sectors. I am currently a board director / executive chair of a number of subsidiary and joint venture companies of fresh produce company T&G Global Ltd. My management career included CEO of Plant & Food Research, Managing Director of Fonterra Europe, President of Fonterra Japan and roles in China, the Philippines and Taiwan. I have degrees in science and economics and I am a member of the Institute of Directors.

Jan Hilder

Jan Hilder

Deputy Chair

Appointed to the Board in November 2019, I have over 30 years’ experience in senior executive and governance roles. My previous roles include Chief Executive and Executive Director positions with Panacea Healthcare and Tacit Group, along with multiple advisory and senior management roles within the healthcare, insurance, finance, IT and manufacturing sectors. I have considerable expertise in business and technology strategy, risk management, mitigation planning and corporate governance.

Alison Posa

Alison Posa


With over 25 years’ experience as a CFO and non-executive director in multi-national environments, I was appointed to the Board in January 2019. My career has spanned industries including FMCG, pulp and paper, forestry, building and banking. Since 2002 I have worked in the food industry with the past seven years in finance leadership roles at Mondelez International. Most recently I was based in Singapore as Director Finance Controlling across the Asia, Middle East and Africa region spanning 34 countries from New Zealand to Morocco and in Dubai leading finance for the North West Africa and Turkey region. I was previously CFO for Kraft Foods Australia and NZ. I started my governance career as a non-executive director of Melbourne based forestry company Vicforests. My experience has covered finance, strategy, risk management, and governance of businesses across diverse international markets. I have a BMS (Hons) from the University of Waikato and am a CA.

Dean Moana

Dean Moana


I was appointed to the Board in March 2022, having previously held various governance and senior management roles in Aotearoa’s food and seafood sectors, including Chief Executive and General Manager of subsidiaries within Aotearoa Fisheries Group - New Zealand’s largest Māori-owned fisheries company. I am a current Board member for two Crown Research Institutes, Plant & Food Research and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), as well as serving on the Board for Akaroa Salmon New Zealand and Port Nicolson Fisheries Ltd. Of Ngati Porou and Apanui descent, I am a current Director of Ngati Porou Runanga and its commercial entity Ngati Porou Holdings Ltd. I am a Chartered Accountant and have a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration.

Ariana Estoras

Ariana Estoras


I am of Ngāti Maniapoto descent and was appointed to the Board in July 2022. I have over 15 years’ experience working in Aotearoa’s primary industries sector establishing Māori Agribusiness partnerships while working for Beef + Lamb NZ and Ministry for Primary Industries. I am a recent independent Director for Food HQ and independent Trustee for NZ Rural Leadership Trust and currently the Director of Māori Research and Partnerships at AgResearch, leading engagement with Māori partners and development of Māori research strategy and capability. I have a Masters in Science from the University of Otago which led to me joining the Imperial College in the United Kingdom, enabling research within the area of genetic modification legislation.

Belinda Storey

Belinda Storey


I was appointed to the Board in July 2023, having also served as a director of State Owned Enterprise Pāmu/Landcorp for the last 5 years. I hold the position of Managing Director for the Whakahura Programme, a 5-year $10 million research programme funded by MBIE. Recently, I have contributed my expertise to the Ministry for Environment’s Managed Retreat Expert Working Group and to the External Reporting Board (XRB)’s External Advisory Panel on Climate Related Disclosures. I have a MBA in Finance from Columbia University of New York and a Masters in Disaster Risk from the University of Canterbury.

Scottie Chapman


Appointed 8 July 2024

Kenneth Hames


Appointed 8 July 2024