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Making a difference with Conservation Volunteers NZ

in Community Partnerships
Author: People & Culture

Our people have a deep responsibility to do the right thing for food and the environments it comes from. So they were super excited when our partnership with Conservation Volunteers New Zealand was announced.

Strategic Partnerships Manager of Conservation Volunteers New Zealand, Siobhan O’Grady, met with AsureQuality CEO Kim Ballinger last week to sign the partnership agreement.

Conservation Volunteers have a mission to inspire change by connecting people with nature and some of our Auckland team have been out there doing this already. The Papakura Stream in Auckland is 63 kilometres long and in need of some help. Conservation Volunteers have a Restoration Project in place which aims to improve the health of the stream and its wider catchment. It’s an extensive project which began in 2021 and involves removal of invasive weeds, fencing of unprotected sections and restoration planting.

Our team had a great day getting out amongst nature planting trees around the Brookby Heights area of the stream. They learnt how this planting will help restore the health of the stream, the quality of the water and benefit the native species that call this place home. They thoroughly enjoyed their day and had huge satisfaction knowing that the work they did today, will make a difference to the health of this beautiful stream and its inhabitants in the future.

Community Partnerships(external link)