Halal Introductory Dairy Auditing (Training Scheme) (Level 4)
Duration: 1 day classroom & pre and post-course tasks
Cost: $775.00 per person + GST
Upcoming courses
- Early Bird Offer
- Limited Spaces
Course overview
This course provides an understanding of the principles of halal processing and auditing. This programme is designed to provide awareness to people who work a dairy processing plant. Trainees will gain an understanding of the definition and concepts of halal certification, primary processing and halal auditing.
What is covered?
- Introduction to Islamic Shariah
- Islamic concept of hygiene
- Islamic and halal auditing requirements
- Halal auditing preliminaries and process
- Shariah law
- Halal dairy processing requirements
Who should attend?
This course is designed for people who are involved in Halal dairy production and for experienced people who are familiar with the audit Halal processes for certification for a primary products food processing operation.
Trainees will be required to have a basic knowledge of Shariah requirements in production and certification of Halal food and food products as part of their Risk Management Programme.
- Pre-course: self-directed learning to be completed at your own pace two weeks prior course start date.
- Face-to-Face classroom: 8 hours (1 day) (Theory for 25924 and 29088)
- Post-course workplace learning: two observations and attestation to be submitted within 10 weeks from start date (Practical component for US 29088).
Training Options & Pricing
We offer different training options: Public Schedule Classes and In-House Training.
Public Schedule Classroom
See our selection of set course dates on our public schedule. Individuals can attend courses that are delivered in the classroom, face to face with our trainer. We supply catering for your training on the day. You will see the date and location (City + venue) beside each option to choose your preferred course to attend. We encourage you to train with your team and can offer group pricing for groups of 3 or more trainees.
In-House Training
We offer training in-house exclusively for your team. We can deliver in the classroom face to face, to a maximum class size of 10 trainees. (external link)
Trainees must be employed in the industry to complete this course. It is recommended to have completed our Halal Awareness course prior.
Trainees will be required to have a basic understanding of Shariah requirements in production and certification of Halal food and food products as per their organisational requirements.
Age requirements - Trainees must be 18 years or older to enrol.
English Proficiency: All students are required to have a level of written and oral English equivalent to IELTS 5.5 or higher to be eligible to attend the courses. Please note that evidence of English language proficiency is exempt for those trainees whose enrolment has been organised and paid by their employer.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, trainees will be able to:
- Explain the purpose and scope of a Halal audit
- Demonstrate knowledge of the Halal audit process in accordance with Shariah.
- Demonstrate knowledge of Halal food management activities for a primary products food processing operation.
- Prepare to produce and produce Halal dairy products.
- 25924 - Demonstrate knowledge of audit requirements in the certification of Halal food and food products (5 credits) (level 4). Knowledge-based unit standard. Theoretical assessment completed on the course.
- 29088 - Produce Halal dairy products (5 credits) (level 4). Theoretical component completed on the course and practical component and observations to be completed post-course at your workplace within 10 weeks from start date.
Pre and/or Post course Learning
Two weeks before the start commences, trainees will be provided with a pre-course document which covers references and links to relevant legislation and basic Islam concepts. This will also ask trainees to familiarise themselves with their own organisational procedures related to Halal auditing and processing. This is to be completed at the trainees’ own pace to prepare for the course.
Post-course workplace learning:
Trainees will be required to complete tasks in their workplace to achieve unit standard 29088. They will be provided an observation checklist. Trainees will be required to be observed completing these tasks on two separate occasions to make sure they are meeting the standard. An attestation will be required to be submitted to training@asurequality.com.
The workplace observer can be:
- A compliance technical manager familiar with the company Halal system,
- A competent Halal quality assurance officer accredited to this Unit or
- Halal assessor (Auditor) from the AHO responsible for the Halal certification of the company.
Learning Support
We encourage trainees via the website to please contact our team in advance if they have any special learning needs or if additional support is required on the day.
Note: This course is available to all students (domestic and international).
AsureQuality Limited has been granted approval by NZQA under section 251 of the Education Act 1989 to provide the ''Halal Introductory Dairy Auditing (Level 4)'' training scheme.
Enrolment duration
In order to meet the required enrolment duration for this course, we request some or all of the following information to be provided prior to awarding the unit or completion of the training.
- Completion of pre-course reading and activity
- Achievement of theory assessments on course
- Recognition of other Auditing training within the previous 5 years
- Evidence of onsite internal auditing
- Evidence or audit preparation
- Supply of documentation to support post-audit record-keeping activities
- This assessment should be completed within 10 weeks of the course start date
Your role
The client accepts full responsibility for failure to abide by any pre-course or post-course requirements. This includes, but is not limited to, completing and returning
course documents, evidence of competency, attestation forms.
Clients will be given a timeframe to complete these forms and return to AsureQuality. Failure to return a completed attestation or verification before due
date may prevent the unit standard from being processed as competent, certificate issue and fail to complete recorded on the training record.
Timeframe for completion
10 weeks from the course start date
If you require an extension for this assessment, please contact our team directly at training@asurequality.com
Interested in Virtual Instructor-Led Training?
Our focus is minimising any potential disruptions to our customers and partners, working with you as you navigate scenarios that may be affecting your business, and respecting policies you may be putting in place.
We are able to offer this training via Virtual Instructor-Led Training. Click here to enrol for online training dates, waitlist or to send an enquiry for this training via VILT.
Need more information on
Competency standards for regulated persons
The MPI Halal Notices contain certain New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) standard competency requirements for halal assessment and approval personnel (halal auditors), halal issuing officers (halal certifiers) and companies’ halal quality assurance officers.
Refer to the MPI website for information