Upcoming courses
- Early Bird Offer
- Limited Spaces
Course overview
This course is designed to inform Pasteuriser Operators and other associated company staff of the checks and tests used to demonstrate that the pasteuriser is operating correctly, and why these checks are required. The course focuses specifically on the requirements of the NZFSA Heat Treatment Code of Practice (COP) for continuous pasteurisers. This is the standard that is most commonly used in the New Zealand dairy industry for the design and operation of pasteurisers.
What is covered?
- Heat treatment background and history
- Design of pasteurisers
- Testing requirements
- Procedures and records
- What to do when there is a problem
Option - UHT
- Achieving commercial sterility
- Design of UHT Sterilisers
- Operator verification and records
Who should attend?
- Personnel with specific management responsibilities for Risk Management Programme compliance
- Pasteuriser operators
- Supervisors
- Plant managers
- Product safety/internal auditors
Key benefits
- Gain a general overview and understanding through the identification of key pasteuriser equipment design requirements for continuous pasteurisers
- Understand the testing of temperature and flow divert mechanisms, differential pressures, filters, temperature probe checks, recording systems, compliance obligations, routine maintenance checks and calibration
There is no prerequisite.