Upcoming courses
- Early Bird Offer
- Limited Spaces
Course overview
AP E-cert is primarily based on tracking the market eligibility and status of animal products from the time they are produced until they are exported. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has created legislation that sets out general requirements that must be met in order for honey and other bee products to be eligible
for export. Once eligible for export, some export markets require an official government assurance that consignments meet OMAR requirements. This course provides you with an overview of the AP-Ecert system, the official assurances, market requirements and how to meet them.
Ensure you are able to meet your legislative requirements and track the market eligibility of your product(s)
What is covered?
- The legal obligations and certification requirements for use of the AP E-cert system
- The risks of providing incorrect information
- Key OMAR requirements
- The components of an e-cert
Who should attend?
RMP Operators, Users of the Ecert system or anyone interesting in developing knowledge of the export requirements and the AP ECert system.
Key benefits
- Understand how to meet your requirements
- Understand your obligations under the law as an operator/exporter
- Improve efficiencies and reduce non-conformances relating to product eligibility tracking
- Train with a NZQA registered Private Training Establishment (PTE)
Training options
We offer different training options for this course.
Public Schedule Classroom: See our selection of set course dates on our public schedule. Individuals can attend courses that are delivered in the classroom, face to face with our trainer. We supply catering for your training on the day. You will see the date and location (City + venue) beside each option to choose your preferred course to attend. We encourage you to train with your team and can offer group pricing for groups of 3 or more trainees.
In-House Training: We offer training in-house exclusively for your team. We can deliver in the classroom face to face, to a maximum class size of 12 trainees.
A non-unit based assessment is included in the course.
- Attendees are expected to have a sound knowledge of their business operation and responsibilities relating to product movement and/or export documentation
- A RealMe log in and a functioning Animal Products E-cert user profile
Note: This course is available to all students