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Assurance services for New Zealand's food and primary industry sectors

With our comprehensive focus on the food supply chain from farm to consumer, AsureQuality is unique in New Zealand and proud to provide an extensive range of food assurance services.

These services are key to helping farmers, growers, distributors and retailers meet the necessary domestic and international regulatory and retaler standards to access export markets and assure consumer trust in the safety and quality of food.

For information on how our testing, auditing and inspection services can assit your business, get in touch with our experts

Our Services

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Laboratory Testing

AsureQuality's laboratories provide a wide range of testing services to the food and primary production sectors.

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Auditing and Certification

AsureQuality provides independent auditing and certification expertise across New Zealand’s horticulture, food, dairy, and farming industries.

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We are the New Zealand government's recognised meat inspection agency. Our plant and seed health teams offer inspection services for seeds, crops and plants.

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AsureQuality Organic Certification

Leading organic audit and certification services for farmers, processors, growers and producers looking to showcase their commitment to organic integrity.

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Market Assurance

Connect with global consumers through tailored product claims and brand endorsement solutions, combining AsureQuality’s trusted endorsement with on-pack marks and co-marketing solutions.

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Sustainability Assurance

AsureQuality's Sustainability Assurance team develops assurance programmes for sustainable food production,

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Diagnostics Manufacturing

Contract manufacturer of immunoassays and assay components for research, analysis, and diagnostic industries.  



A geographically traceable national farms database.

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The AsureQuality Academy provides professional industry training on all aspects of food safety