Invertebrate Pest Laboratory 1920x453px

Invertebrate Pest Laboratory

Insect Identification, Food Contaminants, Control Advice

Do you have insects, mites, or pests in your facility, produce, or food? Are you interested in environmental indicators?

Our Invertebrate Pest Laboratory uses entomology and nematology expertise to identify invertebrate pests (insects, mites, spiders, nematodes, food contaminants, etc.) and other macroinvertebrates. 

What is Insect Identification?

Insect Identification is the use of high-power microscopic techniques to identify insects and other invertebrates to species level. This can usually be done on the same day. We also have access to molecular diagnostic techniques where needed. 

Our customers:

  • Fresh produce importers and exporters
  • Seed industry
  • Commercial growers
  • Orchardists
  • Nurseries
  • Food processors
  • Industry groups
  • Research institutes
  • Government agencies
  • Local authorities

Our Services

Entomology & Nematology

  • Extraction and identification of nematodes in plant, soil and potting mix samples
  • Identification of insects, mites and other arthropods
  • Identification of insect contaminants for food processing and retail industries
  • Identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates 
  • Technical advice
  • Control advice

PESTLAB Price List PDF (61 KB)

Entomology Order Form PDF (58 KB)

Nematology Order Form PDF (105 KB)

IANZ Accreditation(external link)

Register of MPI Approved Suppliers of Plant Pest Identification Services(external link)